5 Reasons to Avoid Goa in December-January

Every place wears different attires based on time. The beauty of Western Ghat during rainy season is way more different than the beauty of snow-clad mountains of Himachal during winter. Similarly you get to see a different verse of coastal areas based on when you are visiting the place. Disclaimer: Only if you want to … Continue reading 5 Reasons to Avoid Goa in December-January

8 Reasons to Visit Sinhagarh Fort, Pune

Like a crown, Sinhagarh fort is situated on the top of a hill of Bhuleswar range in the Sahyadri Mountains. Sinhagarh is the Nandi Hills (Bangalore) of Pune: if you are new to Pune, your first trip has to be towards this stronghold. If you haven't been there yet, here are 8 reasons to visit … Continue reading 8 Reasons to Visit Sinhagarh Fort, Pune